Call Open: European Youth Initiative Fund 2018

A significant number of the newly arrived to Europe are young people often unaccompanied minors. Many of them make dangerous journeys with the hope of finding a place where their future is not predetermined by deadly conflicts, but is yet to be written by them. However, reality offers a different picture.

In numerous European countries the political leadership fails to take the necessary steps towards building an inclusive society. However, in parallel with the lack of willingness from national authorities to find comprehensive solutions, we see youth organisations step up to fill in the gap and take an increasingly active role in providing support and services to young asylum-seekers and refugees.

Tremendous efforts have been invested by youth organisations to ensure that displaced youth feel included to the host communities and they have the means to shape their own future. Today, solidarity – one of the core values of the European Union is reflected in the actions of the young people. Many creative, inspiring youth initiatives have been carried out on the grass roots, regional and national level, all triggering significant changes.

In order to make sure that youth organisations can continue their important work in the field of refugee inclusion, the European Youth Forum decided to launch the European Youth Initiative Fund with the financial support of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

The aim of the European Youth Initiative Fund (EYIF) is to mobilise young people, promote integration and build positive relationships between displaced youth and host communities in Europe. To do so, the European Youth Forum will provide grants to youth organisations so that they implement projects run with the meaningful involvement of young refugees and asylum-seekers and in cooperation with host communities.

Interested to apply?

Read the Call for Project Proposals here

Download the application documents and submit your proposal:

The Logical Framework

The Budget Plan 

The Project Application Form

Deadline for application: 4th March 2018, 23.59 CET

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